We are a multibrand trading house. In our selection we offer exclusively shoes made of real leather.
To access our actual stocks please contact our sales department: send us an e-mail to romel@romel.hu or simply leave a message here. We answer all inuires and are looking forward to a cooperation in the nearest future.
Our motto: "Unique. Just like you."Our name, translated "A pair of shoes", speaks for itself...
We go against the concept of "traditional" shoe shops - in our shop, at the heart of Győr (NW Hungary), we keep only a single pair of each models. We hold uniqueness and diversification in the focus.
Besides the well known brands, we have on our shelves shoes also from trustwothy manufacturers perhaps less known in Hungary - often with remarkable discounts. We offer our shoes in our webshop too!
Socks for those, who are demanding for their outfit, proud of their unique style, and not at all shy. Those who create fashion instead of just following it, those adoring colors. Learn more about the wigglesteps products!
ROMEL Trading House Ltd. is the distributor of wigglesteps for Hungary.
To broaden our sales network we are seeking for partners.
If you also see the business potential in here, you can read more about how to beome our reseller below. Be our partner!
- you are about to develop and implement a quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015, or
- you have an ISO 9001:2008 certificate and are willing to change to the :2015 version, or
- you are about to become a supplier for the automotive industry, but does not know yet where to start, or
- simply interested to know, how the application of "automotive quality tools" could help your business?
Does not your organization have a quality management certification yet? Or, it does, but it needs improvement, e.g. due to changes of the standard?
Whatever the reason may be, I can support you to develop and implement a QMS according to ISO 9001:2015, and have it successfully certified.
A well operating QMS improves efficiency of the organization, moreover, through enhancement of customers' trust may provide marketing benefits. Contact me, and I am glad to explain why I am so certain about it.
If you wish to maintain your certification to ISO 9001, you will need to upgrade your quality management system to the new edition of the standard and seek certification to it.
You have a three-year transition period from the date of publication (September 2015) to move to the 2015 version. This means that, after the end of September 2018, a certificate to ISO 9001:2008 will no longer be valid.
Each organization is different, so the steps needed to adjust your management system are likely to be unique to your situation. (source: iso.org)
Don't risk your certification! Contact me, I am here to guide you through the transition.
Well, it is a question of various factors. From the point of view of the quality management system, car manufacturers and their direct suppliers demand from their sub-tiers to maintain a QMS certified against ISO 9001 as minimum, but having an automotive QMS certificate is more than a benefit, in fact, it may be a requirement.
Contact me, lets face this challenge together, I am here to guide you through your journey achieving IATF 16949 certification.
Another quality related aspect is getting acquainted with quite many quality tools specific to the automotive sector.
Don't worry, I will help here too.
I act with 20 years of relevant quality management and leadership experience, gained in the automotive industry both at a car plant and at Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers.
I pursue improving my knowledge even by today, I regularly take part on training courses as well as on conferences. Next to that, I am on the road a lot too, visiting various manufacturing sites. I am a member of AIAG.
Besides my native Hungarian, I offer all my services, either audits or trainings, in German and English languages too.
For me it is self-explanatory, anyway, let me mention, that I treat all information I get during my activity confidential. I do not ever forward it to any third parties.
Besides being general, at the same time standards and methods are pretty rigid. But the organizations and also the problems are unique, so the solutions can and should be customized. Of course it is possible, and therefore we'll pursue a solution that meets your organization and issue.
In case you are not satisfied with the service you get, you may withdraw from the contract within three days, and you do not have to pay for it.
- prepare yourself with me for an upcoming audit, so you can sleep well at night even before the audit day,
- bring out the utmost from your staff with me, develop them in frames of "learning by doing" workshops, and "as a side effect", your QMS documentation improves too.
Below are a few proposals, which can be customized. We'll agree on the details.
First things first. Nowadays, Quality management system of automotive suppliers is challenged the most by the transition to IATF 16949.
Contact me, let's hit the road together, I am there to guide you through your way towards the IATF 16949 certification.
Are you preparing for a certification or surveillance audit?
One of the key issues of the ISO 9001:2015 and IATF 16949 is management of the risks. Why would you risk your certification? You may considerably reduce the risk of an unsuccessful audit, thereby suspension of the certificate at the end, by having the quality management system audited prior to the certification auditor.
I can conduct an audit of the quality management system using the same methodology, the certification auditor uses. With timely introduction of corrective actions, the auditor of the certification body or the customer can be expected without worries.
And, would also a customer's auditor judge it the same?
Process audits provide opportunity to reveal problems, hidden in the projects and manufacturing, thereby form basis for and enable to improve quality of the processes and products. This can be especially useful to prepare for an upcoming process audit by a customer.
As a certified process auditor, by means of a process audit, I can assess the actual condition of the processes and running projects, and can provide fact-based information to the management. My auditor certificate meets the requirements in regards to certified process auditor of most car manufacturers, so my audit report is recognized by the auditors of the OEM's as evidence of internal audits (see as example the CSR 'FormelQ' of VW Group.)
In frames of a potential analysis I can assess - either alone or along with your purchasers and supplier quality engineers - the technical capabilities of potential or existing suppliers before nomination for a new project. With my experience in project management and quality planning, I can effectively support your process of supplier selection.
Does your existing supplier need support to resolve product quality or delivery accuracy related issues?
With purposeful process analysis and by using the right quality tools, most problems can be improved. Let me take care of your problematic sources.
As practitioner auditor and approved trainer of the subject, I could get insight into numerous FMEAs. Hardly much were perfect...
Me personally root it back to weaknesses in applying the method, and the fact, that most often the actually experienced employees are not "guided". Call me, and in frames of one (or more) FMEA workshops I will play the role of the FMEA moderator. The main goal is certainly to have a Product (Design) or Process FMEA as intended, but this can be also considered as a practical FMEA training!
In frames of a consultancy, we can work together too, to resolve already identified problems.
I act with 20 years of relevant quality management and leadership experience, gained in the automotive industry both at a car plant and at Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers.
I pursue improving my knowledge even by today, I regularly take part on training courses as well as on conferences. Next to that, I am on the road a lot too, visiting various manufacturing sites. I am a member of AIAG.
Besides my native Hungarian, I offer all my services, either audits or trainings, in German and English languages too.
For me it is self-explanatory, anyway, let me mention, that I treat all information I get during my activity as confidential. I do not ever forward it to any third parties.
Besides being general, at the same time standards and methods are pretty rigid. But the organizations and also the problems are unique, so the solutions can and should be customized. Of course it is possible, and therefore we'll pursue a solution that meets your organization and issue.
In case you are not satisfied with the service you get, you may withdraw from the contract within three days, and you do not have to pay for it.